Meet Your Ritualist, Laura

Welcome! I’m Laura and I’ve spent my 15+ year career privileged to journey alongside individuals as they navigate life’s ups, downs and in-betweens. I have worked with some of the most resilient people: Holocaust survivors, single-moms working two jobs, elders on the verge of houselessness, individuals grappling with terminal illness. They have been my best teachers! They taught me how to make the most in the face of the worst.

Chaim Potok writes about the immeasurable quality of meaning making. Confronting difficulty - grief and loss, systems that fail us as individuals and collectives, unpredictable setbacks - is part of our work as humans. Meaning making and finding purpose in spite of these hardships is the work of my heart.

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in both Kansas and Missouri and an ordained Minister through The Universal Brotherhood Movement.

Supporting You Through Life’s Sacred and Everyday Experiences