So, what is a death doula?

Having a support person present at critical life moments can enrich them immeasurably. Critical life moments - births, milestones, death - seem to open a portal to the sacred. And while death doula work is very much about living, death doulas can help create an environment where the dying process is filled with song and prayer and lasting memories.

As a death doula, I engage a variety of roles: facilitating legacy projects, providing counseling to those who are dying, coordinating organ donation, planning and officiating funerals and wakes, and supporting the dying person’s family members emotionally, spiritually and nutritionally. The goal of a death doula is not to alter the future; rather, it’s to ensure that the time we have is as potent and presence-filled as possible.

Whether I’m cooking, schlepping, coordinating, counseling or accompanying, my work as a death doula always brings meaning.

Interested in learning more? Reach out for a free consultation.

**A recent Palliative Care & Social Practice study on death doula outcomes found that families who engaged death doulas felt more empowered during their journeys with dying loved ones (Experiences of engaging a death doula: qualitative interviews with bereaved family members, November 2023).


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